European Debate in Rotterdam

Poster-Rotterdam-WebShould the protection of the environment always be more important than economic growth? Often those two are compatible, but not always. How should we act in cases where it is not, where should Europe set its priorities? Should it stimulate economic growth at the expense of nature in order to quickly emerge from the crisis? Or should it accept less wealth for the sake of a sustainable protection of the environment? Students, EU politicians and the broader public will debate these questions about the future of Europe

Guests are warmly welcomed to join the debate on Wednesday, May14th at 8 pm at the ‚HetPaviljoen‘ 
(Burgemeester Oudlaan 50). The entry is free and  without application. Guest speakers are Gerard Oosterwijk (PvdA, EP Candidate) and Paul Breithbarth (D66, EP Candidate).

All guests can actively join the debate: The speakers have to face the questions and statements of the audience. After short opening and closing statements of the speakers, there will be plenty of room for questions and comments.

The international series of European Debates is organized by the Association of German Speaking University Debating Societies in cooperation with Bürger Europas e.V.. In 22 debates in 7 countries, young people debate with EU politicians and experts about important issues for the future of Europe.

The European debates are held in cooperation with the European Parliament, the Allianz Cultural Foundation and the German Federal Press Office. The local organizer is the Erasmus Debating Society.

Summary of the event:

Date: Wednesday, May14th at 8 pm
Place: ‚HetPaviljoen‘ (Burgemeester Oudlaan 50)
Guest speakers: Gerard Oosterwijk (PvdA, EP Candidate) and Paul Breithbarth (D66, EP Candidate)
Topic: „Green Europe – Should we put ecology always before economic growth?”

Press contact:

Christoph Krakowiak – europadebatten [at] vdch [dot] de

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